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The most sustainable and economical way to package and ship roasted coffee on planet earth.

What is a swag bag?

Swag bags are just like conventional coffee bags, only bigger, and a thousand times more environmentally friendly. They’re made from high-grade composite plastic that is airtight, waterproof, tear resistant and virtually indestructible. Similar to a dry-bag, they have a foldable seal that allows you to squash oxygen out of the bag and two flat-felled seams that enable carbon dioxide to escape the bag as the coffee out-gases inside (much like the one-way valve on a disposable coffee bag). Unlike coffee tins, Swag-Bags allow you to fully remove ambient oxygen in the packing process, while the natural diffusion of volatile gases produces positive pressure inside the sealed bag and prevents oxygen from re-entering.

Swag-bags are courier friendly, meaning they can be shipped (unboxed) domestically and are made to hold anywhere between 2 and 10kgs of coffee. They can be stored, cleaned, carried and transported significantly easier than coffee tins. Because of this, they can be effortlessly stowed away at cafes and returned to your roastery via courier whenever you like.

They’re guaranteed to outlast their financial and environmental costs, and go for less than the price of 60 disposable coffee bags. What’s more, one Swag Bag in circulation for a single year keeps as many as 260 single-use coffee bags out of landfill and removes more than 39kgs of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.


At the end of the day, compostable and recyclable packaging won’t help us to solve the waste crisis. We need viable, reusable solutions.

Not only are Swag Bags the most environmentally friendly way to package coffee, they’re also cheaper than every packaging alternative on the market, better made, require less labour, less storage space, and directly contribute to the wellbeing of coffee growing communities.


This little rainbow chart shows what five years of comparative packaging costs looks like for a roastery dispatching 500kgs of coffee per week. Compelling isn’t it?

50% of profits support sustainable farming

50% of profits support sustainable farming

50% of all Swag Bag profits are donated to projects supporting communities and sustainable agriculture in Rwanda and Burundi

oUR impact

 Frequently asked questions…